MindClick’s Social Policies Self Audit Template

MindClick is committed to providing resources to help you on your journey to achieving an MSAP Leader rating. Our proprietary Social Policy Self-Audit Package assists vendors in taking the next step to improve their MSAP scores.

As a vendor, you can provide your customers with the assurance that you’re following globally accepted fair labor and human rights practices by conducting self-audits of the policies and procedures at your facilities. 

What is a Social Self Audit?

An internal audit is conducted to evaluate the performance and compliance of fair labor and environmental practices of an organization as it pertains to the local law and labor code/standard. Our internal audit template is created based on the standards of the International Labour Organization Standards and The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights to assess:

  • Forced Labor & Human Trafficking
  • Discrimination
  • Child Labor 
  • Freedom of Association
  • Compliance with Environmental Law


As a resource, we’re releasing our proprietary self-audit template and manual for $795.

Completed audits should be submitted along with supporting documentation during your MSAP survey completion.

For vendors working with Marriott International, their Corporate Social Responsibility program, Serve360, outlines the expectations of suppliers. 

“Marriott expects that its business partners and suppliers will strive to conduct business consistent with our policies and standards on diversity, social responsibility and community engagement, as communicated through our Global Procurement Supplier Conduct Guidelines. Failure to do so could jeopardize the ability to do business with our Company.”

MindClick’s Social Policies Self Audit template will ensure you meet the requirements for Marriott and support similar directives from your customers industrywide.  
